Not knowing where to start
The first step to decluttering your home is to know where to start. This may seem like an obvious statement, but many people don’t know where to begin when they start decluttering. Do you start with your bedroom? The living room? The kitchen? The answer is: it doesn’t matter. You can start decluttering anywhere in your house. Just pick a room and start decluttering one area at a time.
Not setting a goal
The second mistake people make when decluttering their homes is not setting a goal. What do you hope to achieve by decluttering your home? Do you want to declutter your entire house? Or just certain rooms? Do you want to declutter for a specific event, such as a move or a party? Once you know what your goal is, you can start working towards it.
Not having a plan decluttering
The third mistake people make when decluttering their homes is not having a plan. Once you know where to start and what your goal is, you need to make a plan. What are you going to declutter first? What are you going to do with the items you declutter? Without a plan, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up.
Not being ruthless
The fourth mistake people make when decluttering their homes is not being ruthless. This is where many people fail. They start decluttering, but they can’t let go of certain items. They hold on to items because they’re sentimental, or because they think they might need them someday. But the truth is, you probably don’t need most of the things you’re holding on to. So be ruthless and get rid of them.
Not following through
The fifth and final mistake people make when decluttering their homes is not following through. Once you start decluttering, you need to stick with it. Don’t declutter for a few days and then stop. Keep going until you’ve reached your goal. It may take weeks or even months, but if you stick with it, you’ll eventually get there.

If you’re looking to declutter your home, avoid these five mistakes. Know where to start, set a goal, make a plan, be ruthless, and follow through. And if you need help, don’t hesitate to call Junk Doctors NJ. We’re here to help you declutter your home and get rid of all your junk.